Set a Reminder for Your Free Memory Evaluation
Book a Free
Memory Evaluation Today
You’re getting older, and you want to make good decisions about your health. You take good care of your heart. You watch your diet and cholesterol. You exercise regularly and stay active. But when was the last time you checked your memory?
A memory evaluation is critical to the early detection of severe memory issues. Renstar Medical Research offers free memory evaluations, so there’s no reason to put one off.
Do I need a Memory Evaluation?
Cognitive or memory decline happens slowly, so you may not notice or realize it. Even friends and family who see you often may fail to recognize the changes since they are so gradual. Everyone remembers a face but not a name or forgets where they put the remote or their glasses. But if these issues accelerate or cause noticeable confusion, they can be an early warning of future danger. Do you do any of these things?
- Forget to take medications?
- Get lost while walking or driving, even while in a familiar area?
- Forget appointments?
- Miss meals because they slipped your mind
- Ask the same questions over and over
- Store items in places that don’t make sense, like finding that lost remote in the freezer
Memory loss is a normal part of aging, but for a few, it can be a sign of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Once you’re 65, you should get a yearly memory evaluation as part of a wellness checkup. But we don’t recommend waiting until your next doctor’s appointment! Not when Renstar Medical Research is here to help you set a baseline immediately and at no charge.

No insurance is required. Treatments like this can only be approved with the help of clinical trial champions like you.

What Happens During a Memory Evaluation?
By participating in a free memory evaluation, you will receive a comprehensive assessment, including:
- Cognitive testing,
- A review of your medication and medical history,
- A discussion about your social history,
- An explanation of the results from our team, and
- A copy of the evaluation’s findings.
This evaluation will not be a diagnosis, but it is a diagnostic tool and resource to set that all-important baseline for comparison with future evaluations. Renstar’s evaluations are free, fast, and easy to schedule so we’re happy to partner with you in monitoring your cognitive health.
About Renstar Medical Research
Renstar Medical Research is located in beautiful North Central Florida, one of the fastest-growing retirement areas in the country. Since its founding in the 1990s, Renstar has participated in more than 700+ clinical research studies. Its multidisciplinary staff has more than 225 years of combined experience executing clinical research trials. We pride ourselves in our professionalism and attention to our patients’ needs.

Here are some of the patients we’ve impressed.

“We have continued to participate in clinical trials with Renstar over the years, and the research staff has always been professional, thorough, and, most importantly, responsive to our concerns and needs. We have gladly encouraged our friends to become involved with Renstar because of the quality of treatment provided by the staff. Thank you, Renstar, for being our home away from home.”
– Ernie and Diane
“They are pleasant, warm, and caring toward my wife and me. They do everything possible to help us. They go above and beyond in treating us.”
– Anthony